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Employment Law Matters

With Resolution  focused Solutions


Feeling isolated & all alone?

Visit our Employees' Employment Law pages, fill in the contact form below, or call us for free 24/7 on 0800 HELP ME.
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Is an employee giving you grief?

Don't react on the fly as it could have serious cash consequences later on. See our Employers' Employment Law pages.
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What We Do

I help both employees and employers resolve employment problems. This is achieved either directly or via the other side's employment lawyer or advocate, the Ministry of Business Innovation & Employment, the Employment Relations Authority or the Employment Court.
My site is divided into two separate areas, one for employers and the other for employees. One of my points of difference, in comparison to other employment specialists and employment lawyers, is that I am resolution focused and I pride myself on being able to view a dispute from both sides.

Encouraging people to focus on a resolution helps resolve the situation in a pragmatic manner without anyone spending a fortune on legal or representation fees. I am able to do this due to my mediation background. I have another site dedicated to this, mediate.co.nz. Once you have viewed the material of interest to you, I would recommend that you then explore what I have to say on the other half of my site. i.e. employees take a read of the employer information and employers take a read of the employee information.
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Disciplinary Meetings
Restructure & Redundancy
Representation at Mediation
Employment Relations Authority Hearings
Employment Agreement Advice
Employment Law Consultancy

Employment Law Advocacy - Employment Law Matters With Resolution Focused Solutions

We assist employees, employers and employment lawyers with dedicated pages of information for Employees and Employers. Our first consultation is free, so you can call us for a chat on our free 0800 number, 0800 HELP ME (0800 435 763) or email danny.gelb@employmentlaw.net.nz about your situation without the fear that this conversation will utilise your hard earned savings for this initial chat. Subject to our T's & C's.

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24/7 Message Service

If something has happened to you at work and you need immediate assistance, call me 24/7 for free (even from your mobile phone) on 0800 HELP ME (0800 435 763). You can call me any time, including after normal hours, on the weekends and during public holidays. Should I be unavailable due to being in a mediation, an Employment Relations Authority hearing, a meeting with an employment lawyer or it is after hours, then leave a quick message and I will call you back at my next available opportunity. This will be either during my next break or as soon as I get your message and normal business hours resume. Should you prefer to text me then send your text to 021 77 1919.

Unless your physical safety is in danger, then it is best to get advice before responding to any situation. Many employees and employers are initially right in what they have done or in their interpretation about what has happened. However, they have often let themselves down by responding with a communication that has either very much reduced the strength of their case or, they have dug themselves a hole that they now will have difficulty climbing out of.

Please be mindful that, if your call is after hours, we may not be able to get back to you straight away. At the latest, we will answer messages on the next business day or earlier if time permits.

Track Record

In the past fifteen years to the end of December 2024, I have personally concluded 2,040 disputes of which 1,939 have resulted in the parties successfully resolving their differences as a result of our negotiations. This is a success rate of 95%. I have also had 75 determinations from the Employment Relations Authority (ERA) of which I have been successful 47/59 representing employees and 12/16 representing the employer. I have had 6 judgements from the Employment Court, 5 representing employees that I have also been successful 4 out of the 5 times and one unsuccessful representing the employer.

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How We Help

Virtually all employment situations can be resolved consensually with the likes of myself, or any other advocate or employment lawyer, provided both sides are prepared to be pragmatic, fair, reasonable and are able to communicate effectively.

Save yourself fees and try to communicate with the other side first. If you do nothing then I can guarantee you at least one outcome - that outcome is nothing! If that does not work, or you feel uncomfortable in doing so, then by all means contact me on 0800 HELP ME (0800 435 763), fill in the quick confidential contact form to the right or email me directly at

Read What Others Have To Say About Us

We now have over 460 online reviews about us and the service we provide. Last time we looked this was about ten times more than any other person or organisation offering Employment Law advice in New Zealand. We urge you to read the online reviews of the people you are considering using for help with your employment related matter and then decide by what others say as to who will be the best for you. View our reviews on TradeMe, Google Places and Facebook

alicia soh 6 May 2024

I am so grateful for being recommended Danny's services through my family. His level of support and clarity throughout my issue provided me with calmness and levelheaded decisions throughout. His professionalism and confidence in dealing with these issues were impressive. He was able to quickly resolve the issue and help me move forward after a pretty harrowing experience. Thank you, Danny, for all your help it is much appreciated, and I will be recommending you to whoever is in need of your services in future!

Sam Saunders 4 April 2024

I really appreciated Dannys expertise in this area of law. Very professional & to the point, which is exactly what I required & obtained a great result navigating and supporting me through my difficult time. I highly recommend Danny 100% Many thanks.

Rob Brodie 27 March 2024

Thank you to Danny Gelb, he's a Gent and exceptional Advocate with on the money advise, I would recommend Danny and his Experience any day of the week. Highly recommended. Regards Robert

robert durham 22 March 2024

Danny did a fantastic job in guiding me through a situation fraught with anxiety. He is professional and his advice is fair. He answered every email and text promptly. I encourage you to contact him about any employment issue.


Danny has been very knowledgeable and thoughtful with his guidence. Really apreciated the time spent talking me through options and steps forward. Will return in the future. Regards, Justin.

Justin Warrington 22 February 2024

I would like to thank Danny,very much for his amazing help.His knowledge,professionalism,and communication is second to none. I believe he is the best at what he does,and it has been a pleasure working with him,to reach my outcome..which wouldn’t of been possible without his ability.. He has a very approachable and friendly manner which eases the stress immensely. I would recommend him to anyone needing help in this field Michelle

Michelle Van Eeden 8 February 2024

Danny is the best of the best. As the song goes....simply the best, better than all the rest. This a 100% true of Danny, who I have found to be an outstanding legal advocate in my employment process. Danny is extremely well versed in NZ employment law, has a heart driven, direct but personal approach....and cut through all the noise to get to the point, in a way non legal people can understand. I 100% recommend Danny to represent you in any employment issue. Thank you so much Danny for your kind assistance, ability to communicate and give 'on the money' advice. Just fan-freaking-tastic. Much appreciated. Cheers Paal.

Austmenn 4 February 2024

Great service, thank you

Tania Bryenton 25 January 2024

Very very happy with Danny's services. Thoroughly recommend. He is both professional and fair and an expert in his field

Rosemarie Muller 19 January 2024

Not a position I ever wanted to be in but really happy with my result. Thank you Danny

Cherie Chisholm 21 December 2023

I want to thank Danny for his service helping me with my employment issue, making it easier and less stressful for me, resulting in a positive outcome Thanks Danny!

Iván Lobello 10 December 2023

I genuinely can’t recommend Danny enough. Danny and I dealt with a long and drawn out process through mediation/court with an ex employer. He supported me and was fast to answer any questions I had regarding my case which made me feel calm & level headed throughout. His professionalism, confidence, and punctuality was amazing and I feel relieved with my choice in choosing him to help me resolve the issue’s at hand. I am extremely happy with our outcome, and know exactly who I’ll be going to if I have any issues in the future. Thank you so much Danny! You are amazing.

Kara Finnigan 5 December 2023

Danny's professional and timely help is immensely valued and appreciated. His expertise in the field is unquestionable. Thank you Danny for all your help.

Bakhtavar Chichgar 3 December 2023

Many thanks to Danny for his help with my case - he was very astute and set me in the right direction and treated me with respect - highly recommend Danny

Carl Hayes 23 October 2023

Feel like a free chat?

Just give us a call on 0800 HELP ME (0800 435 763) and we'll be happy to answer any questions you have.
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