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Business Speakers

Danny Gelb – Speaking Engagements

Employment law is a fascinating topic for business speakers. Mark Twain hit the nail on the head when he stated;

"Truth is stranger than fiction, but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities; truth isn't."

I often think,

"I wish I had discovered this career path many years before I did, as this is not work for me, rather it is paid entertainment. So much so, that it is not not funny."

My speaking style is that of interaction, information and past war stories. Reluctantly, no two presentations are ever the same. However, my audience will hear of the three basic essentials of employment law and have the opportunity to ask questions on New Zealand employment law. My answers will be interlaced with recollections, of varying and different situations, that I can't believe I was involved in, with of course the names changed to protect the guilty.

To find out my speaking availability, and to see if your organisation qualifies for a cost free speaking engagement, simply fill out the form to the right.



021 77 1919

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